Updates related to the Order issued by the United States District Court for the District of Arizona can be found here: https://www.engeniaherbicide.com/update.html

Dicamba Training Schedule

This training is intended to comply with the US EPA requirement for mandatory dicamba training for Engenia®, XtendiMax® and Tavium® herbicides.


This training is intended to comply with the US EPA requirement for mandatory dicamba training for Engenia®, XtendiMax® and Tavium® herbicides. Only certified applicators may purchase or use these products. Always read and follow label directions. Additional requirements may be imposed by your state. Engenia is a registered trademark of BASF. XtendiMax is a registered trademark of Bayer CorpScience. Tavium is a registered trademark of Syngenta Group Company. ©2020 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved.




Some states have additional restrictions and requirements. Check with your state pesticide regulatory agency for additional training and application requirements or restrictions. See details.

  • As of January 1, 2023, Georgia does not accept online or live webinar dicamba applicator training provided by BASF.  
  • Florida does not require state-provided training and will accept any registrant training or training from extension offices in Georgia or Alabama. This training can be on-line or in-person.


Please scroll down for a full list of training opportunities.  You may also filter by your application state to find relevant training opportunities.




Growers and retailers seeking additional information should direct requests to EngeniaQuestions@basf.com.