Updates related to the Order issued by the United States District Court for the District of Arizona can be found here: https://www.engeniaherbicide.com/update.html

Dicamba Training

The Engenia label requires all applicators to be trained before applying the product. The online training is date and time stamped to assist applicators with the recordkeeping associated with meeting this requirement.


We offer many classes, online and in person to satisfy the US EPA requirement for mandatory Dicamba training. BASF strongly encourages in person training because it offers opportunities for dialogue and questions.




Some states have additional restrictions and requirements. Check with your state pesticide regulatory agency for additional training and application requirements or restrictions. See details.

  • As of January 1, 2023, Georgia does not accept online or live webinar dicamba applicator training provided by BASF.  
  • Florida does not require state-provided training and will accept any registrant training or training from extension offices in Georgia or Alabama. This training can be on-line or in-person.


Online Module

For the best experience, we recommend that you take this training on a computer or tablet using Chrome, Edge, Safari or Firefox.


Online training has resumed on February 21, 2024.

Live Webinars & In-Person Training

State Links to Dicamba Trainings

Georgia requires applicators to complete state-only conducted training. Check with your state pesticide regulatory agency for training and application requirements.